Friday, November 27, 2009

Course plan - just for Gertie's folks!

Click here to see a vidoe of Hellies plan for her course to be delivered on-line primarily, with some face-to-face content in the form of a workshop. This video includes some of her musings and rational for the plan, and some aspects she has had to consider.

1 comment:

  1. Helen this is an excellent plan covering a wide range of topics and considerations. It is soundly based on learning theories. You have given good explanations of flexible learning and the strategies and resources you are introducing. There are some wonderful concept maps to illustrate your ideas which articulate several aspects of the plan.
    You have incorporated a wide variety of strategies and resources into the plan to ensure students of differing learning preferences are catered for in the subject. It is good to see your encouragement for peer learning. Your ideas for flexibility according to the Maori Strategic Framework are very good – scenarios etc. This will be very helpful in raising awareness in the students which will serve them well in practice. Also the key points around sustainability are very well thought out and demonstrate you have a very good understanding about the principles of flexible learning. Good to see you addressing issues around software and consistent formats for content, skills of the staff and student learning needs. I really like the coverage of benefits and pitfalls and good explanation of resources and assessment. This is a very enjoyable and thorough presentation.
