Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What's it all about?

Now some time up my sleeve to do a proper introduction. I am working as a lecturer at the Occupational Therapy school, and am enjoying the challenge of getting to grips with the polytechnic environment. My past occupational therapy experience has all been clinical, although I have done some teaching in outdoor education, in mental health services and in therapeutic recreation.
I guess the most important thing for me as a teacher is that the students get the learning done, and so my motivation regarding improving teaching is around making sure I develop skills in making my teaching tools and techniques as diverse and effective as possible.
My goals are related to learning more about avaliable technology, and trying to figure out how to add flexibility to a course that has some fairly structured expectations regarding content, environment and assessment.
The learning I have done recently regarding technology has given me confidence that even I can use it creatively! However some less than useful experience with software crashing, email accounts not communicating with my blog and Elluminate not working has not helped me develop a trusting relationship with the technology yet...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hellie good to read about your teaching and your goals for flexible learning. It looks like you are working in a flexible environment with some "inflexibility". Perhaps your interest in technology could be put to use exploring strategies and tools which are open, easily accessed and can be used by yourself and your students to enhance learning.

    On Katy's blog (http://katymdesigning.blogspot.com/2009/08/flexible-teaching-practice.html?showComment
    =1251071273903#c6966757774044360964), I have suggested a great little tool for concept mapping which you might be interested in. I expect your students are always on the lookout for innovative ways to learn concepts and make sense of all the information they are encountering. And if they also like to play on the computer this could be very helpful for them. You could also use the tool to add a different dimension to your learning materials online.

    Tell me do you do much group work? i have another suggestion for a tool which could help your groups share information sources... more to come when I hear back from you on here.

    Katy's blog is: http://katymdesigning.blogspot.com/ look for my comment re concept mapping - just in case the link does not work.
